Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I made a lot of progress on my closet yesterday, which was great. I still have work to do in the bedroom, but for now, I'll show you the closet.

This horrible pile of stuff was right outside my room.
 Closet before. Note: mixed up clothes, books everywhere, shoe mess.
 Closet after. Not 100% but much, much better. Also, only a few shoe cubbies have 2 pairs of shoes, whereas before 2 was the minimum!
 From the door.
 Other side. Once again, still needs work, but at least I can see my clothes.
Pile of donations. And trash. See there are some books in there! ;)

*also, the reason so much doesn't fit is because when I moved out I got a queen sized bed, as opposed to the twin I had been using for years. So 1 bookshelf and a piece of my desk didn't make it back in, which, surprisingly, added a lot of storage!

Anybody else cleaning up and clearing out at the start of the year?

1 comment:

  1. I love befores and afters of closets--I'm a total organization nerd and love making things all pretty and in order! ; ) I so need to tackle some of those areas in my room that I've let slide.. ; )
