Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No. 28 - My Life in France

I'll admit, I didn't know much about Julia Child until the movie Julie & Julia came out. I remember thinking her voice was funny as a kid, but that's all. So I'm very much jumping on the Julia Child bandwagon.

My Life in France is written by Julia Child and her grand-nephew Alex Prud'Homme. I have never been to France, and from what you can see on this blog, I'm not that great of a cook, but there was something so inspiring about Julia's memoirs. This book was extremely entertaining but it also made me want to get passionate about the things I love to do. To love my life and my life's work with an unquenchable love and excitement. It also made me hungry. ;)

If you don't know French and you're going to read this, I'd grab a French dictionary or Google Translate for a few quotes and phrases.

Non-fiction that reads like fiction is fun because you can get caught up in the story and then realize, "that really happened!" and that's awesome.

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