Sunday, February 20, 2011

No. 18 - Othello

Well, talk about a 1-2 punch with my Unread Library! This weekend was stormy and rainy (such a fun change in the desert!) and I was able to read Othello in 2 days. It makes sense, though, since it's a play, it couldn't take me a week to read through...could you imagine a week long play?! :)

It was good, and Shakespeare-ian and everything you could want in a tragedy: love, murder, deception, and betrayal. It was also pretty easy to understand. I haven't read Shakespeare since high school so I was curious to see how I could handle it without a teacher guiding me through, but it was pretty straightforward and the footnotes helped too!

Also, No. 2 - Candide was on this list but I read it last year. So I don't know if I read it during this Unread Library time and forgot to post about it or if I just mistakenly put it on the list. It's crossed off now.

Next up, I think it will be No. 11 - Lady Susan. I'm looking forward to a little Jane Austen after Dickens and Shakespeare.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Vintage Lamps

Right now I am dreaming about a giant ice cream cone, a swirly dress, and buying up secondhand items for a tiny little apartment in an artsy, small town.

In the mean time, I'll clean up these 2 vintage lamps I got at Goodwill this week.

This 60s desk lamp is so cool! It works and is a really awesome avocado green! The only down side is the first joint is a little loose, so it takes some finagling to get it to stay. I'm hoping I can tighten it up. I only paid $2.99 for it!

I love the power options switch!

This hobnail, milk glass lamp is so sweet and for $5, I just couldn't resist! I can't wait to find (or make) a shade to match!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No. 17 - Oliver Twist

I finally finished Oliver Twist last night! Just like my other Dickens experience (Great Expectations), it was slow going until the last 5 or so chapters; when things get exciting and you want to keep reading. What I think is interesting is how the first 45 chapters really are just set up for the final wrap up. What felt like a disjointed history, and was at times boring, for so long makes complete sense in the end.

Anyways, I'm still sold on Charles Dickens, and have 3 more of his books in my Unread Library, so we'll see what happens with those.

Now, due to a recommendation, my next book will be No. 18 - Othello.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Have you ever been blown away by God's faithfulness? Goodness? Mercy? Love?

I'm in a season right now where I'm learning these things more than I ever have. And it's beautiful.

He is showing me things about myself that I have never fully believed, He is answering prayers in magnificent ways, He is touching my heart every day.

Sometimes, our experiences in life are high and exciting and full of sparkles (I don't know, doesn't it seem like life just sparkles sometimes?!). Other times, we are in the Valley. (my pastor talks about it here). Where God seems distant and life is hard.

Where are you today? Can we be praying for you for something? Let's talk about it in the comments below.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


A friend commented to me recently that I should be writing. I've received a few of those comments from others over the last few months. Last night I watched Music & Lyrics and was reminded how cute Drew Barrymore is carrying around her notepad and clicky pen.

There is a big part of me that says "who would want to read your words?" and another part that is cautious about thinking too much of me. But I'm going to write more. On paper first. Maybe some things will end up here. That's all I have to say about that.

Now, I'm headed off to work on No. 17 - Oliver Twist.