But in addition to that, I thought about a conversation I had with my pastor/boss and our creative director/my best friend where we talked about creativity being a God given need. That all creativity is a reflection of Jesus, whether we mean for it to or not, since we are made in his image. God is the ultimate creative genius: can you imagine coming up with everything out of nothing with no one but yourself for input? Of course, that's taking it to a human level, but still, God's creativity is astounding. And I know that he wants me to be creative because 1) I bring him glory when I act like him (and the person he made me to be) and 2) my creativity serves to create an atmosphere where lives are transformed. It is and will be a reminder that he will provide a way and that my inspiration comes from him.
All that to say, I got an awesome briefcase/file case from Goodwill today for $4 that is amazingly vintage and full of nerdy goodness. I wish I had a laptop (choose whichever OS you like best, that way I don't offend anyone!!) with CS4 on it to put in this bag and be creative everywhere I go. :D