Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer! part 1

I am always so excited for summer! And it seems every year, I have a list of expectations for that summer. This year, summer kind of crept up on me - my birthday is in 5 days and summer can officially begin! - and so I'm just now settling into my expectations. But let me tell you, I am getting more and more excited as the days go by.

For the last 2 years, NorthShore has planned and led our own summer camp at Camp Cedar Crest in Running Springs, CA. This year, we are running camp again but also are including churches throughout the district! We have 7-8 other churches coming with us and that is very exciting! Summer camp will be amazing. I LOVE camp, like love, Love, LOVE camp :) so I know it's going to be a great week. We'll be at camp June 13-18 and we'll be posting daily on the camp website: - feel free to check it out now and then too for updates.

The week after We Are Foursquare camp, we'll be heading to Carlsbad, CA for a week of camping on the beach for family camp. I haven't been in 2 years, and I'm missing it. It's the best. :)

On top of all that, my best friend in the whole world is leading creative arts workshops and classes for all of the Southwest district camps - which is 3 straight weeks back up at Camp Cedar Crest. And I am so happy to be going with her for 2 of those weeks! I'll be helping her out with the theatre stuff but for the most part, I'll be gallivanting with my favorite 1-year old in the woods! OK, maybe we'll be slowly walking around the paved/carpeted areas of the camp, but I'm still looking forward to extended quality time with 2 of my favorite ladies! :)

Then (whew!) in August, my sister and I are spending a week with my Grandma in the Bay Area. She and I haven't spent a whole lot of time together recently and I think it will be a fun trip and a good chance to hang out with our Noni as well. :)
My grandma's house

So, Part 1 of my summer plans are all the trips I'll  be taking! :) I'll be back soon with Part 2

Monday, May 24, 2010

Diving Horse

I have a soft spot for vintage children's books. So when I saw this book recently, I knew it would be a great addition to my small collection.

Isn't that the best title ever? I also love library memorabilia so when I saw that it came from the Phoenix Public Library and was marked with the DISCARD stamp there was nothing I could do to resist rescuing it. :)

The poor thing.

It is now happy at home with me where there is no fear of discard. :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vintage Kick and Vintage Kicks

I've been on this vintage kick for awhile and I love mixing in vintage pieces with my normal things (either in outfits or accessories or in decorating). I found some amazing vintage pieces in the last few days.

On Friday, my brother and I had a date. I waited for him at Goodwill and I found this skirt for half off.

Someone had already started altering it, the bottom is roughly cut and frayed, but it's long enough all around to re-hem it and I'm excited about that.

You can see from the side that the back panel is a few inches longer than the front. :) (oh and yes, I'm standing on a chair!)

And it's even worse on this side!! But I love the print and I'm looking forward to fixing it up.

Then today, I found the most amazing shoes and bag ever!

I spent more on this bag than I usually do (haha $18) for a few reasons. It's leather and is also the perfect length for me. And also because of this:

Can we just let that sink in for a minute?

I also think my heart was looking for a pair of shoes like this because I saw them and knew that the search was over. They fit when I tried them on and they were $5! (Also, leather and the stamp inside says "Made in Brazil")

They are completely different than what I would expect for myself. (that's a weird way to put it) But I just love them and they are comfortable - and vintage, bohemian, scholarly all at once. :)

And to end this post con photos (hooray photos!), I finally collected enough prints for my little gallery wall.